Photo by Daniel Rader
Catch Lauren in COMPANY,
currently running at Barrington Stage Company...
“Even the safe harbor of marriage holds so many terrors for Bobby’s friend Amy (Lauren Marcus, fabulous) that she has an epic pre-wedding meltdown in the hilariously unhinged ‘Getting Married Today.”
“As the reluctant bride Amy, Lauren Marcus brings the house down with her hilarious, sprawling and bawling ‘Getting Married Today.’ It is the comic highpoint of an amusing evening”
“Individual performances are all excellent, led by Lauren Marcus performing ‘Getting Married Today’, during which her character, Amy, is the personification of a bride having a meltdown on the morning of her wedding.”
“The comic highlight of the score, and the production, is Amy’s (Lauren Marcus) ‘Getting Married Today.’”
“The best songs—and performances—in Company belong to the women. Lauren Marcus as Amy stops the show as the manic bride who isn’t ‘Getting Married Today.’”
“The entire cast of this production of Company is extraordinary…Lauren Marcus had the difficult task of making Sondheim’s lyrics intelligible in ‘Getting Married Today’, all the while singing at breakneck speed and being hysterically funny.”
“Amy, played by Lauren Marcus, has the most difficult song to sing, its words that fly by being so very important to the storyline. She is a rare clown, one who can make us laugh and cry at the same time.”
“The vibrant hysteria of fabulously comedic Lauren Marcus’s ‘Getting Married Today’ as she spits out one of the funniest and most difficult Sondheim songs is met by the soothing counterpoint of her husband-to-be Paul with his sincere declarations of undying love.”
“The players are stellar actors, dancers and singers…Lauren Marcus knocks out the patter-song-on steroids ‘Getting Married Today.’”
“I loved Lauren Marcus’s portrayal of the frenzied bride-to-be Amy and her rendition of ‘Getting Married Today.’”
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